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Top 5 Bathroom Trends for 2020

Well, we’re on the cusp of another new year and 2019 has already given us a few strong clues as to what we can expect in the world of bathrooms over the coming year. We’ve been doing some deep analysis of our customers’ shopping habits. We’ve been scouring the interior design blogs, webzines and TV shows. We’ve been in consultation with our product designers to see what they’re all excited about. And, let us tell you, 2020 is shaping up to be quite a bold new year for bathroom design. Here are our predictions for the Top 2020 Bathroom Trends.

Top 5 Bathroom Trends for 2020


Well, we’re on the cusp of another new year and 2019 has already given us a few strong clues as to what we can expect in the world of bathrooms over the coming year.

We’ve been doing some deep analysis of our customers’ shopping habits. We’ve been scouring the interior design blogs, webzines and TV shows. We’ve been in consultation with our product designers to see what they’re all excited about. And, let us tell you, 2020 is shaping up to be quite a bold new year for bathroom design.

Here are our predictions for the Top 2020 Bathroom Trends.

White Carrara Marble Wall-mounted Washbasin


1. A Return to Marble

Everyone’s been going gaga for Corian® and solid surface in 2019 and it’s easy to see why. But, if you look closely at some of the UK’s best, award-winning interior design projects, you’ll start to notice that people are bringing a little bit of marble magic back into the equation.

And it’s not just in the neo-classical style, either. There’s a lot of futuristic mixing and matching going on, too. You might see a beautiful marble washbasin with a black solid surface bathtub. Or maybe a statement cabinet in boldly coloured Corian® with a completely contrasting piece of marble for the vanity top.


Corian® Colour Georgia - Wall Mounted Washbasin


2. Bolder Bathroom Colours

Speaking of colour contrasts, there’s going to be a lot of that going on in 2020. The new Corian® colour collection, launched in the second half of 2019, has captured the imaginations of interior designers all over the UK. And, now, the trend is (as it always does) trickling down to homeowners, looking to achieve the same luxury standards as their dream Pinterest pins.

We’ll be seeing washbasins that look like Mahogany. We’ll be seeing shower trays in bright Citrus Orange. And we’ll be seeing vanity units in opulent Gray Onyx with its uncanny blurring of nature and precision engineering. We’ll never have seen bathrooms like them.


Georgia Blue Macauba - Marble Wall Mounted Washbasin

3. 21st Century Futurism to replace Minimalism

We’re living in a world with evolving needs. And that means our approaches to design must evolve, too. So, as we learn to work with developing technologies, our ideas of ‘good taste’ are evolving at the same pace.

Clean lines will give way to complex lines and geometry. Patterns will be incorporated. Rooms will deliberately be devised with aesthetic clashes in mind. Spatial design will mix traditional materials with cutting edge engineering, technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). Postmodern retro styling will give way to Nouveau Modernity – a reflexive revivification of ingenuity in aesthetic approaches.



4. Luxury on a tiny scale

The world’s population is still growing. It’s a world that demands we make more of less. People’s homes are getting smaller, but their expectations for quality of life remain as big as ever they should. Which means bathrooms in even the tiniest of houses will need to deliver on aesthetic and build quality.

Creating extra special bathrooms in small spaces is a challenge that will be overcome by customisation and made-to-measure possibilities. And by not forcing customers to break the bank when buying made-to-measure bathrooms. In other words, it means there’ll be a trend toward mass produced items that nevertheless offer full customisation in the ordering process.


5. Green material revolution

Sustainability is a hot topic for today’s luxury consumers. Purchasing high-end goods just doesn’t have the same appeal on 21st Century planet Earth as it did 50 years ago if the goods are going to do damage to the planet. And, yes, that comes right down to the way people furnish their bathrooms.

Older materials like porcelain enamelled steel (which rusts when chipped and, so has to be replaced) and acrylic (the manufacturing process of which produces higher rates of toxic fumes than its alternatives) will give way to more sustainable choices such as Corian®  (the composition of which is largely bauxite ore and which comes with a 10-year factory guarantee) and other solid surfaces.


However you choose to remodel your bathroom in 2020, we hope you end up with the perfect, private space you’ve been dreaming of and have a fantastic New Year. From all of us at Riluxa.com