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Should you put wallpaper in the bathroom?

Can you put wallpaper in the bathroom? Yes. Should you? Well, that’s another matter. It’s one of those interior design debates that’s been raging for years and will probably continue to do so long into the future. The short answer is that there is no definitive answer. Some people will always consider wallpapering a bathroom to be a short-cut to giving it an air of opulence and grandeur, while others will think it’s an insult to good sense and taste. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons.

Should you put wallpaper in the bathroom?


Can you put wallpaper in the bathroom? Yes. Should you? Well, that’s another matter. It’s one of those interior design debates that’s been raging for years and will probably continue to do so long into the future. The short answer is that there is no definitive answer. Some people will always consider wallpapering a bathroom to be a short-cut to giving it an air of opulence and grandeur, while others will think it’s an insult to good sense and taste. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons.



You can change it regularly

You may have to change it regularly

It adds instant lavishness

It may be a bit too much

It can make or break your bathroom design

The right way to wallpaper your bathroom


You can change it regularly

When you invest in an expensive luxury bathroom, you probably won’t want to completely overhaul it for at least another decade. So, hanging wallpaper in the bathroom is a great way to keep the design flexible and fresh. When you get bored of the way your bathroom looks, simply take your wallpaper steamer and scraper, strip away the old paper and hang a fresh design. It’s a lot more cost effective than investing in a new vanity unit and bathtub every few years.


Wallpaper in modern and trendy bathroom trendy by sullivans beachhouse ilderton contractors

An eye-catching wallpaper can help to make your new washbasin and cabinetry really pop! (Ilderton Contractors)


You may have to change it regularly

Maybe you’ll find a wallpaper so drop-dead gorgeous that you think to yourself, “I’m never changing this sumptuous, touchable, eye-popping paper ever again...” If so, be mindful that hanging it in the bathroom might just thwart that plan.

If longevity is your agenda, wallpaper might not be the best idea for a room filled with moisture, as it can peel (most wallpaper paste is water-based) and warp over time. Definitely don’t buy a water-based ink-printed wallpaper because the moisture will make it run. Your best bet would be a mylar wallpaper that has a polyester film over it to protect it from the moisture.


It adds instant lavishness

A stunning flock wallpaper with a three-dimensional velvet-y pattern to a feature wall in your bathroom can give it a timeless sense of luxury. So long as it’s placed on a wall where it’s not continually attacked by steam, flock wallpaper is generally so sturdy that it can last a lifetime. Whether you’re a fan of Victoriana, maximalism or mid-century modern, there are some beautiful wallpapers on the market that could bring a real sense of high-end splendour to your bathroom remodel.


Marble vanity with blowfish wallpaper and brass accents (Bozich Construction)


It may be a bit too much

Ornate renderings of tropical plants and birds adorning the bathroom walls isn’t exactly very 21st Century. Though the contemporary style is a multi-layered mish-mash of different historical styles (thanks to the infinitely broad influence of the Internet), that’s largely expressed as a retro-futurist reimagining of the late 1950s/early 1960s minimalist aesthetic. Gluing paper covered in grandiose designs to the walls doesn’t really convey a sense of stripped-back self-discipline. Really, though, it all depends on your taste and what makes you happy.


It can make or break your bathroom design

An eye-catching wallpaper can help to make your new washbasin, bathtub and cabinetry really pop. If you feel as though the space just needs that extra smidge of wow factor to make it feel like it truly represents your taste and style, it could be the final finishing touch that makes all the difference.

On the other hand, if you get it wrong, it could be the difference between an inviting masterpiece of craftsmanship and taste and a gawdy assault on the senses. The good news is, if you don’t like it, you can just take it down. If you’re tiling some of the other walls, just bear in mind to buy extra ones in case you decide you need to rip that horrid wallpaper down and cover the space so that it becomes but a distant memory in the remodelling of your beautiful new bathroom.


Modern farmhouse bathroom with blue wallpaper design by Courtney Thomas


The right way to wallpaper your bathroom

If you do decide you’re ready to brave the moisture and wallpaper the bathroom, there are a few things you should bear in mind:

  • Shop around for splashproof wallpaper—though few high-quality wallpapers are truly waterproof, it will give you the best chance of it not getting spoiled by the water and humidity in the bathroom
  • Buy a high-quality wallpaper adhesive—old-fashioned wallpaper paste will return to a liquid state before you know it, but there are many more water-resistant alternatives today
  • Consider papering just one feature wall of the bathroom so it’s not such a huge problem if it’s spoiled or peels—ideally the wall furthest from a source of moisture

Like most things in the world of interior design, the secret is to balance beauty with practicality. That way, you can enjoy the splendour that your new wallpaper brings to the bathroom for many years to come.


Looking for something else to read? Check out our article on Budgeting for a Custom Bathroom.


Main image: Wood vanity with Quartz countertop and brass accents by Keystone Millworks