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5 Ideas for a Spooky Halloween Bathroom

Whether you’re having a costume party for your pals, creating a spooky house of horror for the kids or just have a macabre sense of humour about interior design, there’s no getting away from the fact that Halloween is second only to Christmas for its awesome decorating possibilities.

5 Ideas for a Spooky Halloween Bathroom


Whether you’re having a costume party for your pals, creating a spooky house of horror for the kids or just have a macabre sense of humour about interior design, there’s no getting away from the fact that Halloween is second only to Christmas for its awesome decorating possibilities.

It used to be just the Americans who went to town on Halloween, but these days the whole world is obsessed with sending shivers down each other’s spines for one ghostly evening per year. So in the true… ahem… spirit of All Hallows Eve, here are Riluxa’s top five ideas for creating an eerie, DIY, fright night spectacle in your luxury bathroom.


A bloodied shower door or curtain

You can almost hear the shrieking violins of the movie Psycho just thinking about this vision of terror. And you can recreate it in your own shower (just make sure, if you have young ones, that they’re not taken by surprise by the bloody scene or you might have a few sleepless nights to contend with).

All you need for the blood is:

  • 250ml golden syrup
  • 5 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder (or chocolate syrup)
  • Red food colouring
  • Water (dilute to preferred gloopiness)

Splash liberally across the shower tiles. Dip your hands into the mixture and print on the tiles and shower door or curtain to suggest a murderous struggle with a masked slasher. And have a blue tooth speaker set up to play the Psycho music on a loop!



Candles, candles and more candles

We’ll start by saying this: be very careful with open flames. The last thing you want is for your home to turn into an actual horror story. But candles are an amazing way to instantly turn a beautiful luxury bathroom into a creepy, supernatural space.

Simply spray your old empty wine bottles with matt-black spray paint and insert bright red taper candles into the bottlenecks. The wax will drip down, creating a congealed blood-like effect around the bottle, too. Oooh!


Image: Instagram @lifeafterdeathdesigns


A bubbling bathtub cauldron

If you’re the literary type, you’ll know the classic scene with the witches around the cauldron, saying, “Double, double toil and trouble,” (not “hubble bubble” as it’s often misquoted) comes from Shakespeare’s Macbeth.  Well, how about recreating arguably the spookiest scene in all literature in your bathtub? Pretty terror-inducing, right?

All you need is to put the plug in the bath and keep topping up the tub with dry ice, the ‘steam’ from which will billow up over the sides of the tub making it look like you’ve got a serious potion brewing in there.

You might even want to hang a fake arm over the side, the fingers gripping onto the rim of the tub.


Pumpkin accessory holder

A jack-o’-lantern that’s more than just decorative! You can keep your soaps and shower gels and other bathroom accessories in this spine-chilling ornament over the whole Halloween season.

Simply trace the rim of a Pyrex bowl against the side of your pumpkin, then cut into the circle and hollow out the pumpkin entirely (so there’s no flesh or seeds left inside), leaving a door into the pumpkin into which your bowl will slot perfectly.

Now, pop the bowl into the hole and glue a decoration around the rim, such as rope or red sealing wax.


Image: Instagram @careyscountrygarden


Bat cut-outs

This is one of the easiest ways to turn your stunning Minimalist space into an eerie, echoing bat cave. And you can tell the kids that they’re sleeping vampires to really ramp-up the chill factor.

All you need is:

  • 1 x pair scissors
  • 1 x 30cm x 30cm piece of cardboard
  • 1 x pencil
  • Black craft card (as much as you want, dependent on how many bats you want to make)
  • 1 x bobbin of black cotton
  • 1 x sewing needle
  • Sticky tape

First of all, using the pencil, draw out the shape of a bat. All you need to do is Google ‘bat cut-outs’ and copy the shape. Now cut around it and that’s your template. All you need to do now is trace around your template onto the black card as many times as you can and cut out the bat shapes.

Double thread your sewing needle and tie a thick-ish knot in one end. Now pass it through the head of your bat until it reaches the end and the knot won’t pass through. Use different lengths of thread for each bat so that they hang at different heights. Now tape them to the ceiling around the room. That’s it! Your very own bat cave!


Looking for something else to read about home decorating? Check out our article on the recent DIY revival.