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Top 5 Reasons to Choose Marble for your Bathroom

In the summer of this year, HELLO! magazine published a list of celebrity bathrooms. Stars included everyone from Myleene Klass and Vogue Williams to Tom and Giovanna Fletcher. And, you’ll be unsurprised to learn, not a single one of their homes was short on wow factor.

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Marble for Your Bathroom

In the summer of this year, HELLO! magazine published a list of celebrity bathrooms. Stars included everyone from Myleene Klass and Vogue Williams to Tom and Giovanna Fletcher. And, you’ll be unsurprised to learn, not a single one of their homes was short on wow factor.

What was really telling about the list, however, was that the top of the top celebrities… the A-listers of the A-list… Cindy Crawford, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Lopez, Jon Bon Jovi and Angelina Jolie… (James Corden, too, if we’re being kind...) all had their bathrooms decked out in marble. Some just a touch, some from top to bottom… all with lashings of taste and style.

Yes, when it comes to Hollywood-level bathroom luxury, there’s no denying it, marble wins, big time. So what is it about these sculpted hunks of metamorphic dolomite that gets the celebs so hot under the collar? Well, here are Riluxa’s top 5 reasons you should all be mad about marble for your bathroom.


1. It is now and will, forever, be utterly desirable

 Do you want to know who had marble in their bathroom before Jon Bon Jovi? Julius Caesar. (Which is ironic as now he’s been immortalised by countless sculptors in the material.) But seriously, marble has been used as a luxury decorative material since the dawn of civilisation. If you’re worried about it going out of fashion, don’t be.

Put a brand new, minimalist, ultra-modern marble bathroom in a Grade II listed building tomorrow and, we guarantee you, in 100 years’ time, anyone arguing with a 22nd Century conservation officer about getting it taken out will have a hard time. Do you know why? Because it’s completely and utterly magnificent. Simple as that.


2. It goes with everything

We read that sadly departed celeb Chef Anthony Bourdain had the entire bathroom of his New York penthouse done out in marble. Which is nice, if complete and absolute opulence is your thing. If you like a little mixing-and-matching, though, don’t worry. You can still have your beloved marble. Because there’s pretty much nothing it doesn’t go with.

Wooden floorboards or ceramic tiling. Boho Persian rugs or M&S bathmats. Golden candelabras or Bauhaus bath taps. We’re not here to judge. We’re just here to tell you that whatever you have in there is going to look *kisses fingers in the style of an Italian chef!* against that spangly new marble vanity top.



3. It will add value to your home

Look, unless you have a marble sculpture of Prince Charles cemented to the middle of the bathroom floor (and, even then…), you can rest assured that the value of your property isn’t going to go down. Any estate agent worth their salt knows that a home with a marble bathroom is going to be worth more than a home with a linoleum and fibreglass one.

Not that you’re going to want to sell your house now you’ve got your stunning, wall-mounted marble washbasin installed and are so thrilled that you can’t stop washing your face. But, if ever you do decide to get it valued, get ready for a nice surprise.


4. It won’t let you down if you don’t let it down

A lot of people considering marble end up getting scared off when they read about how easily it stains and changes colour. Well, there’s a simple equation that you should bear in mind before you go off and buy a copper sink in a panic: do right by marble and it will do right by you. Sure, if you put your hot hair straighteners down on your marble vanity, you might leave a stain. So just don’t do that – easy peasy.

Sealed regularly and treated with a marble and granite cleaner as-and-when needed, your marble will last a lifetime and beyond. Marble doesn’t stain itself. People stain marble.



5. It will make the bathroom the best room in your home

Seriously, the living room isn’t going to be able to compete. You’re probably going to have to remodel the entire house just to bring it up to the same standard as your bathroom, once you’ve had the marble put in. Why do you think people with marble bathrooms sell their homes faster and for more money? Because there is nothing quite as stunning.

It’s a little bit of the outdoors brought indoors. It’s got that glorious, epic, mountainous quality. It feels amazing to the touch. It wows your guests the moment they walk through the door. It will still be being talked about as a material long after you and I are gone. It. Is. Awesome. And if you don’t believe us, just ask Hollywood.


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To find out more about marble, click here.