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What Makes Corian® the Perfect Powder Room Material for Make-up Artists?

You’ve been doing this for long enough. You know how it is. First model of the session sits down at your lovely vanity unit, lights on her/his face. You take out your brushes, disposable mascara, lip wands, false eyelashes, lash glue, tweezers and cotton buds. The makeover begins and you’re off – into the world that gives you such a rush of adrenaline.

What Makes Corian® the Perfect Powder Room Material for Make-up Artists?


You’ve been doing this for long enough. You know how it is. First model of the session sits down at your lovely vanity unit, lights on her/his face. You take out your brushes, disposable mascara, lip wands, false eyelashes, lash glue, tweezers and cotton buds. The makeover begins and you’re off – into the world that gives you such a rush of adrenaline.

One down and off they go looking perfect. OK, second subject – same thing. Slap, swish, stick, powder, poof! Off they go, also looking gorgeous. A third one comes along, a fourth, a fifth and a sixth. Before you know it, everyone is out in front of the camera looking like a film star (well, you’d hope so seeing as many of them probably are film stars).

Then you look down at your vanity unit and – “Aaaaaagh!” – terror strikes. There’s more mascara on the vanity than there is on the models’ lashes. Where did all those lipstick smears come from? You’re never going to get those off, not even with a bucket of Fairy liquid and a flamethrower. There’s powder in the seams and, no matter how much you dig your tweezers into the cracks to get it out, it’s just stuck there. Forever. It looks like the dog just came in from a long swim in the canal and jumped all over the thing.


The glorious Relax DuPont™ Corian® Double Vanity Top

The glorious Relax DuPont™ Corian® Double Vanity Top


Hello Corian®!!

Well, here’s our advice, darling. Take that haggard old unit out into the alley behind the studio and set fire to it.* Then, when you’re done, run immediately out and get yourself a spangly new DuPont™ Corian® vanity. Why? Well, the 10-year guarantee, alone, should be enough to have you whipping out your Platinum card and doing a little Riverdance on your marble tiled floor. But that’s just the start.

You want a wipe-clean surface but what…? Stainless steel? Ugh… It’s a powder room, not a scullery! It needs to look inviting and clean and it needs to reflect the light beautifully off your subject’s skin. Well, Corian® is the perfect wipe-clean material. Because it’s mostly made from natural materials and flexed with a bit of man-made science, it’s completely and utterly non-porous. So, no matter how much goop you splosh all over it, it’s going to come right off with a little hot, soapy water.

It comes in a range of colours, but you’re only interested in three of them: Glacier White, Glacier White and Glacier White, okay? Look, go for the lovely Cocoa Prima, if you want – it’ll certainly hide the smudges. Sure, get yourself a unit in Deep Night Sky Corian® - it has that Liz Taylor swoosh factor you’re looking to achieve. Thing is, though, with Glacier White, you’ve got the perfect surface for instant wow factor when your models sit down. It’s clean, inviting and it reflects the perfect light so that you’re able to apply that war paint with real flair and detail.


Cassiopeia Mineral Corian® Wall mounted Washbasin


So long, seams

Cast your mind back a couple of paragraphs to that bit where we were going on about powder in the seams. Ugh, we know… you’d rather not. With Corian®, though, you’ll never have to worry about such a thing again, because it is completely seamless.

That not only makes Corian look spectacular, space age and beyond the parameters of regular product design, it also makes it beautifully simple to clean. You can run your finger along it for days without feeling so much as a bump or a nook. Simply sumptuous, isn’t it.


The simple loveliness of the Peace DuPont™ Corian® Vanity Washbasin


A decade of delightfulness

Here’s the rub. You want a vanity that’s going to look as drop-dead gorgeous after you’ve made up 10,000 models at it as it does when the first one sits down and demands, ‘OK, now make me pretty.’ You don’t want a vanity unit that’s going to look like the counter of Alan’s Butties portacabin after the first six months. How are you ever going to get something that will take the amount of usage that your vanity’s going to get?

Well, guess what… yes, indeed, Corian® is the material for you. There’s a reason that 10-year guarantee exists, you know. The thing is, you can give Corian® a real pounding in terms of usage and it’ll still look like it came right out of the factory years after you first bought it. Put a couple of scratches on it with your hair clips and tweezers? Just buff them right off! Spilled a bucket of nail polish on there? Just break out the nail polish remover – Corian® is incredibly resistant and doesn’t change colour with time or a bit of spillage. Put your scorching hot straighteners down on there? Well, that’s your own fault, love – Corian® isn’t Kryptonite, it still likes to be treated nicely.

What we’re saying is, though, if you want a vanity unit that oozes glamour as much as your own portfolio, you could not make a finer choice. Corian® is luxury to the max and your models will notice it right away. It will make the perfect impression and, after all, isn’t that exactly what you want, if you’re looking to attract the highest of the high-end clients? Strike the perfect pose.

Click here to read all about professional Architect Stéphanie Agostino who chose to design her Beauty Salon business with Corian as its principle surface material.

Find out more about Corian here.

*Don’t actually do this, please. That would be very dangerous and we’re just exaggerating for effect.