How to Customise Your Bathroom in 4 Easy Steps
It used to be that made-to-measure bathrooms were only available from artisans. You would contact them, ask for a quote, send them your dimensions and architectural drawings and they would build you a bespoke piece or two. You might even employ a few different bathroom product designers for different items. Even if it wasn’t cost-prohibitive for you, it was certainly long and drawn-out and often easier just to pick an off-the-shelf bathroom and have done with it.
Well, those days are over. Choosing a custom bathroom is now easier than ever thanks to online tools that allow you to build your bathroom to your exacting standards. So, here’s a little guide to help you go about it.
Create a floor plan
If you have an architect or interior designer working on your bathroom, they’re probably right on the case! Otherwise, use a tool like RoomSketcher’s bathroom floor planner to get an idea of what’s going to work best for the space. Especially if you have awkward corners or an unusual layout and don’t plan to knock any walls down.
Sometimes, you’ll find that a tiny little corner that you thought could accommodate little more than a pot plant can actually squeeze a small washbasin into it. It’s all about playing around with the space and finding out what works and what doesn’t.
Hatysa Solid Surface Countertop Washbasin
Choose the products you love
The beauty of interior designing your own bathroom is that you’re not bound by a single bathroom company’s vision. It is completely personalised to your own taste. Maybe you’ll go fully rustic, modern, minimalist or neoclassical. Or maybe you’ll mix it up and go for a more eclectic style. It’s nobody’s bathroom but yours, so do what makes you happy.
Explore all the colour options, too. Today’s most elegant luxury bathrooms aren’t all Glacier White, you know. Just take a look at the Corian® colour collection. Your Corian® bathroom can be whatever you want it to be. Pick the product and then pick the colour you want it to come in. Match with your favourite tiles. Clash with your favourite flooring. Complement with your favourite cabinet.
Orion DuPont™ Corian® Ultra Slim Shower Tray
Make it fit
Buying products that can be sized to your exact requirements opens up so many options. It means you can have exactly the width, depth and, in the case of washbasins and vanity tops, even the sink size that you want and position the sink exactly where you want it on the counter top.
If you have a long, narrow bathroom, you can have a long, narrow vanity in there. If you want a walk-in shower but are almost out of space, simply get a shower tray that fits exactly the space you have left. Don’t be bound by the limitations of certain product designs. Choose products that work to enable your vision, not that demand compromise.
Ara Corian® Design Freestanding Bathtub
Don’t forget about the lighting
A beautiful, naturally lit bathroom is a dream come true – not all modern bathrooms even have windows. But the true test of a stunning bathroom is how it looks when night falls and the lights go on. Playing with light and shade is a joy for lighting designers and you should have plenty of fun working out just how bright or dim to go and how you want to position and angle your lights.
Again, it’s all about personal taste and needs. You might simply want sunken halogen lights in the ceiling to give you a bright space within which to do your hair and make-up. But maybe your bathroom is going to be more of a space to kick back and relax, in which case you’ll need the option to go low-lit. You might even want the option of both. And will you choose an off-the-shelf lighting arrangement or bespoke from an artisan?
For tips on what not to do with your bathroom, check out this article.