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Singing in the Shower

Is there any more perfect a place to belt out your favourite rock, pop, soul or rap song than in the shower? Even in a world where we’re taking ever shorter showers to help save water, there’s always time for a three-minute radio classic.

Singing in the Shower


Is there any more perfect a place to belt out your favourite rock, pop, soul or rap song than in the shower? Even in a world where we’re taking ever shorter showers to help save water, there’s always time for a three-minute radio classic.

So, for your morning delectation, the lovely Head Office team here at Riluxa have put together a Spotify playlist that takes in everything from 70s flamenco legends to 80s MTV superstars, 90s hip-hop and present-day rock. Here’s what they had to say about their favourites.

Nick, Marketing

Artist: Grateful Dead

Song: Box of Rain

This song is sung by the band’s bass player Phil Lesh, who has a great ear for melody and this is quite a difficult song to sing. So the shower is the perfect place to do it, in case I hit any off-notes. Also, it’s not a song you can sing quietly with any conviction – you really have to go for it – so, again, the shower is the perfect place to do it. Finally, I have to admit, this song brings me to tears, so the shower washes them away and I don’t have to go running for a box of tissues.

Manu, Sales

Artist: Queen

Song: Don’t Stop Me Now

What can I say? It just puts me in the perfect mood for the day and gets me raring to go. How can it not, with lyrics like, “I’m a shooting star/leaping through the sky/Like a tiger/defying the laws of gravity”? Freddie Mercury sounds completely buoyant and triumphant, like the happiest person on earth and the song just really rocks. Brian May’s guitar is amazing and the vocal harmonies all come together to make this the perfect morning song.

Edgar, Logistics

Artist: Guns ‘n’ Roses

Song: Welcome to the Jungle

This song gives me so much energy when I sing it in the shower! It helps me to prepare myself for a new day, doing what I love. It’s not an easy song to sing, so blasting it out in the shower – with the great acoustics and water pouring – makes it sound better (well, at least in my head). Axl Rose is one of the best rock singers of all time and Slash is one of my favourite guitar players – this song will always be the one that makes me feel most awake and alive, so it’s my ultimate shower song.


Julie, Web Design

Artist: Michael Marshall

Song: San Francisco

I don’t know if it’s the perfect song to sing in the shower, but it’s the song I’ve been singing in my head every day since seeing the great movie it features in, The Last Black Man in San Francisco. The entire soundtrack is amazing, but I particularly love this one because, first, who doesn’t know the original by Scott McKenzie? Also, the instruments are just beautiful to hear, especially the opening melody with the brass.

Paula, Sales & Marketing

Artist: The Chordettes

Song: Mr Sandman

I’m writing this at the beginning of the new year and, with all the Christmas spirit still in the air, this is just the perfect song to sing in the shower. All the well wishes are floating in the ambience and it just feels very cosy and warm. I also think it’s fun to make up your own lyrics and try to adapt it to the new feminism where I imagine they wouldn’t ask a man for something, but rather something more independent and cool.


Loan, Sales

Artist: Lenny Kravitz

Song: It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

It’s just a dynamic song that feels very stimulating in the mornings. I’ve got the water running over my head and singing along with this melody – it just puts me in a really good mood. I’m not normally very loud in public, so singing this in the shower is really fun. It’s an intimate, confined space where you can feel free, comfortable and safe to really go for it. Well, unless you saw Psycho on TV the day before, ha ha!


Frédéric, CEO

Artist: The Black Keys

Song: Little Black Submarines

This song is great, because it starts out all acoustic and then they go full-on Led Zeppelin after a few minutes. It’s bouncy and fun and easy-to-digest, all of which makes it a perfect song for singing in the shower. It’s bluesy and garage and smooth at the same time. I have to say, I’m not the world’s biggest singer, but if you were to hear me going for it, this would probably be one of the songs I sing the most.


Now you’ve got the perfect Spotify playlist to sing in the shower, all you need is the perfect shower within which to sing along!